Sunday, June 27, 2021

LUCA 《盛夏友晴天》


出發喇,終於有得去旅行!!! 今次嘅目的地係意大利嘅Riviera沿岸一個美麗港口城鎮, 叫Portorosso~~~~
個度又靚又relax....仲有好多美味嘅海鮮~~~~ 大家一齊合埋眼, 感受一下呢個暑假, 迪士尼動畫 《盛夏友晴天》為你帶來嘅海風~~~
感謝迪士尼嘅邀請我地睇首映, 早前係戲院睇到個trailer, 聽住意大利小島風嘅音樂, 已經好期待呢套電影! 大家都知道迪士尼動畫唔係淨係比小朋友睇,呢套講友情嘅電影, 對於年過40, 經歷好多嘅我, 勾起嘅情緒起伏更大!
首先好鐘意成套戲嘅氣紛, 輕鬆得嚟有D 攪笑! 真係似去咗旅行, 街道嘅片段好靚, 好想去真實嘅Riviera 感受意大利風情,食意大利麵!
戲裡面亦比咗家長好大嘅提醒, 好想小朋友有一個你想要嘅將來? 定係你容許佢揀佢想要嘅將來?「自由」其實係佢地最能成材嘅元素!
其中一幕, 講到Luca 為左自身利益,出賣左好珍惜佢嘅朋友Alberto,人生咁多年來,你有比朋友出賣過嗎?Alberto 好失望,但係佢最後選擇原諒,並成全好朋友嘅夢想!
我地嘅童年影響我地一輩子嘅價值觀,呢個暑假雖然無得飛, 帶你嘅小朋友, 一齊去感受一吓Luca嘅冒險旅程,放開你嘅童年創傷, 學習點樣比一個更有價值嘅童年體驗比你嘅小朋友~~~

Thursday, January 14, 2021

ICQ 功能一覽


係我細心思量同埋做晒research 之後 有一D重大發現 ICQ 真係好誇張, 佢嘅功能如下 

1. Group Max 25000 人 


3.可以傳輸145MB file (我唔知MAX幾大, 我試左個PDF 係145MB) 4.手殘都整到sticker, 佢有個sticker bot, 你係個chat send 張相就幫你創做你自己嘅sticker pack 

5.每個message 有得emoji (好似Facebook IG 心心嗰個function) 

6.可以send 原圖 

7.有個function 叫Group video call , free, 仲可以有趣怪sticker 

8.新入group D 人睇到舊嘅message

9.有智能彈出gift, 係input打入關鍵字就有圖彈出!!!  


Monday, January 04, 2021


Maggie Tong & Hill Ngan

Young Living Hong Kong 皇家皇冠鑽石級領袖


自小家人就灌輸「你可以做任何事,只要你用心,夢想都在你掌握中,我們都以你為榮!」自小被做生意的爸爸薰陶決心立志長大後要成為一位成功的生意人,他教導Maggie做生意要親力親為及勤力,命運是自己創造的!因此Maggie 22歲便和男朋友(現在的先生)創業,由於他們靈活變通,因此在生意上算是有不錯成績。


2014年12月,因為希望改善家人健康而令Maggie接觸及從此愛上精油世界!她喜歡Young Living高品質的產品及簡易的使用方式,並且很容易就分享給身邊的朋友。因為這種簡單的分享及懷著幫助別人的心,Maggie團隊日漸增長,由原本非常反對她接觸直銷及認為會影響聲譽的先生也認真了解這生意是什麼一回事。


2016年5月,在一次夏威夷之旅中,先生Hill聽完創辦人Gary 的演說後終於明白為何她這麼愛這家公司,並且決定和Maggie一起發展Young Living 事業。在一起的策劃下在兩個月後竟然達到鑽石級,Maggie及Hill看到這個事業的商機,最重要這是很有意義、可以改變別人生命的事業。因此他們決定把時間全放在Young Living及結束他們原來營運的童裝事業。雖然帶有不捨,但他們並沒有後悔這個決定並深信Young Living是有更重要的使命。


Maggie及Hill分別參加了Young Living 在烏干達和尼泊爾的義工服務,他們更深了解創辦人Gary Young 的理念並且能深深感受到什麼是生命意義和停下來深思生命的價值︰成功不在乎你多麼有能力,而是你可以感染多少人。


在Young Living這個事業上,Maggie很感恩不少原本互不認識的人,卻成為了好朋友。不但珍惜Young Living的產品及這個事業機會,但更珍貴的是擁有互助互愛、以人為本的文化。雖然創辦人已經過世,但Gary的教導和精神都成為團隊的成功座右銘。



Success Motto︰You can do anything as long as you work hard. Your dream is in your hands, and we are all proud of you!

Since childhood, Maggie’s family has instilled “You can do anything as long as you work hard. Your dream is in your hands, and we are all proud of you!” Maggie’s father is a businessman and he taught Maggie how to do business personally and diligently. So Maggie started a business with her boyfriend (now husband) at the age of 22 and the business went very well in the past 10 years.


In December 2014, Maggie tried Young Living products as to improve the health of her family. She loves Young Living's high-quality products and easy-to-use methods, and it is easy to share with her friends. Because of this simple sharing and the heart to help others, her team has grown day by day. Her husband, Hill, who originally not supported her to build Young Living business but started to learn what this business is all about.


In May 2016, during a trip to Hawaii, Hill finally understood why Maggie loves Young Living so much after listening to the speech given by the founder Gary Young, and decided to build Young Living business with Maggie. They set goals and planned together and they reached the rank of Diamond two months later. Maggie and Hill not only seeing the business opportunities here, but also it is a business who is very meaningful that can change the lives of others. So they decided to devote all their time to build Young Living and end their original children's clothing business.


After Maggie and Hill participated in Young Living's volunteer service in Uganda and Nepal respectively, they have a better understanding of the Gary Young's mission and find their meaning of life: “Success is not determined by how capable or powerful you are, but how you can empower others.”


Along the journey, Maggie is very grateful that she has built a close relationship with her team. Although Gary has passed away, his teaching and spirit have become the motto of the Maggie’s team.


Maggie and Hill would like to thank the team for their trust. They are fortunate to recognize everyone and hope to share again “You can do anything as long as you are attentive. Your dream is in your hands, and we are all proud of you!” to everyone and continue to lead their team with love.


“聽見的恐懼。” 他們聽到的聲音使他們內心痛苦極大。 他們感到自己被內部和/或外部的不和諧和衝突所包圍,因此,他們“受夠了”。 他們感到對沖突負責並為解決衝突負責,但他們卻無能為力,因此現在對沖突和動盪非常敏感。 它使他們想起了父母吵架的太多情況,以及家庭中缺乏和平,和諧與愛。 或者他們現在還經歷童年時代的委屈。
“我不想听!” 他們正在逃難環境問題。
“我不想處理!” 他們正在逃避內心衝突和動盪。
Purification , Frankincense , Helicryshum 舒緩耳仔並令耳道暢順,用一滴並稀釋搽於耳背!
另外,Harmony ,Acceptance, Valor,亦可幫助保持耳根清靜,平衡內心糾結,比多d 勇氣,保持耳仔和諧!